UP re-launches anti-discrimination reporting tool for staff and students

Posted on September 09, 2022

An online tool has been re-launched to streamline the process of reporting cases of discrimination at the University of Pretoria (UP). Case investigator Phathutshedzo (Phathu) Tshisevhe of the Transformation Office tells Tukkievaria about this tool that is now available to both staff and students.

Phathu Tshisevhe is an investigator at UP’s Transformation Office. As someone with years of experience in comprehensively investigating reported incidents of discrimination, he is optimistic about the re-launch of an online reporting tool which now caters for students. He believes that will make the lodging process more efficient for staff and students.

What is the nature of your role as an investigator?

I am responsible for the comprehensive investigation and handling of reported incidents of discrimination, as stipulated in the Anti-Discrimination Policy, involving UP staff, students, visitors and/ or the public as well as users of UP facilities on all campuses. I am involved in the entire case management cycle; from initial investigation and trauma support, to drafting statements and compiling prima facie assessments.

How is your role different to that of Human Resources (HR)/ Employee Relations (ER)?

The difference is that I have investigative jurisdiction only of anti-discrimination cases; HR/ ER do not investigate that. HR/ ER waits for my prima facie report in order to charge an employee and proceed with disciplinary processes.

Can staff members also make use of your services?

Yes, they can. While students mainly make use of the service, I would like to encourage staff members to come forward too. The service is meant for every active student and employee, including visitors and/ or the public as well as users of UP facilities.

Tell us more about the new online reporting tool.

The purpose of the recently launched Anti-Discrimination Reporting System is to make both students and staff aware of the online reporting system that can be used to report incidents of unfair discrimination, harassment, hate speech, retaliation and violence.

Online reporting is beneficial as it allows UP to categorise trends and create initiatives, track case progress and inform the complaint about which stage the case is at.

Once a case has been investigated, it can be concluded by way of a formal process such as a disciplinary hearing/ inquiry by ER for staff and Legal Services for students, or through an informal process such as mediation by the Transformation Office.

Can you offer us an example of a concluded case?

One case involved homophobic comments, which amounted to hate speech. The complainant was a student and the perpetrator was a staff member, a lecturer. The case was resolved through an informal process (mediation) upon the request of the complainant. Another case involved a racial slur directed at a staff member by another staff member. The case went to a disciplinary hearing and resulted in a dismissal.

How else can incidents of discrimination be reported?

Staff may report an incident to HR or their line manager, while students could consult their faculty student advisor, a lecturer or a member of the Student Representative Council. Residence students can talk to the head of residence or other residence staff.

Additionally, both students and staff could contact security staff or lodge an in-person complaint at the Transformation Office.

They can also send a WhatsApp to 012 420 8404, contact the UP Hotline at 0800 227 007 or report the incident via the UP Portal:

Students: UP Portal >Student Centre (where you check your marks)

Staff: UP Portal >Campus Solution>Anti-discrimination Cases.

Who are some of the stakeholders that you work with?

Internal stakeholders include process executors – the Investigative Unit of Security Services, Transformation Office, Legal Services and Employee Relations – and support services such as student psychological services, Student Health Services (clinic), the Employee Wellness Unit, the Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender and the Department of Institutional Advancement. Other internal stakeholders include the Institutional Transformation Committee, Marketers’ Forum, Employment Equity Forum, Directors’ Forum, the Institutional Coordinating Committee for Safety and Wellness, the Faculty/ Departmental Transformation Committees and Tuks AIDS Reference Group.

External stakeholders include the Department of Higher Education and Training, Higher Health, Universities South Africa, the Transformation Managers’ Forum and Community of Practice.


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