Submissions are open for prescribed and recommended textbooks for the 2023 first semester

Posted on August 15, 2022

The Department of Library Services’ database for submissions of prescribed and recommended books for the first semester of 2023 is now open until 16 September 2022. The link to the Nevada system is always available on the library’s web page under Borrow and Request.

Please note the following:

  • Prescribed books are those that students need to pass the module and therefore preferably obtain their own copy. This information will be sent to the bookshops, library, and other relevant parties.
  • The recommended books list is only sent to the library.
  • e-Books may be submitted as the first choice. In a case where it is not available to libraries, we will obtain a hard copy.
  • The correct information is of utmost importance. Please check for the newest edition and/or year of publishing as well as the publisher of the book/s. Please feel free to leave a note of a forthcoming edition or any other message of importance that we need to take note of.
  • As study guides are not used to obtain a list of prescribed books, submitting is of utmost importance.
  • If your department has a textbook administrator, please make sure that the necessary information reaches the person in time before 16 September 2022. Late submissions run the risk that the books might not be available in the bookshops in time.

Enquiries, new registrations, passwords, and module problems can be directed to [email protected]  or 012 420 3160

- Author Martha Muller

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