Posted on July 21, 2022
Paragraph 9 of the Department of Finance’s Property, Plant and Equipment (Assets) directive A03/12 states that no assets may be removed from Campus without the authorisation of the relevant line manager and the Division: Asset Management. In terms of this directive, security personnel may at any stage search the vehicles, bags and satchels of persons entering or exiting the Campus. Security personnel have the authority to request any person in possession of UP assets to produce an asset removal permit that authorises the moving, transfer or removal thereof.
Before any asset may be removed, an asset removal permit must be requested via the PeopleSoft Financial system, after which a permit will be issued to the applicant and the relevant line manager. Staff and students are personally responsible for obtaining the necessary documentation before they remove any UP asset from the Campus.
An asset removal permit is the only valid document that the Department of Security Services will accept when staff / students with University assets in their possession wish to leave the Campus. No verbal agreement, email, or letter of approval from a line manager or anyone else is valid.
Since the Department of Security Services does not have the authority to issue any documentation in respect of asset removal, you are urged to obtain the necessary asset removal permit in time and have it available upon request.
Mr Johan Boonzaaier, Director of Security Services
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