Prof Tawana Kupe requests research magazine article submissions from academics by 26 August 2021

Posted on August 20, 2021

Dear Deans and HODs,

The University of Pretoria is committed to our vision of being a leading African research intensive university that is globally connected, linked and engaged. We are making major strides in this regard. We have a stellar publishing record and are amongst the most prodigious in the country while striving to raise our quality further.

As a result, we need to communicate and share our research findings with wider audiences so that the general public, government, business, civil society as well as key donors and funders understand their transformative impact on society.

We have identified a gap in the market for an online magazine which will highlight our research. The magazine will be hosted on the existing Research Matters site. A limited number of copies will be printed for key stakeholders.

Contributions of approximately 300-500 words based on their research will be written by our academics and suitably edited.

I invite all academics from across the university to contribute research and articles on a selected topic/theme which will be central to each issue. These themes will be selected by Prof Stroh and myself and from 2022 the magazine will be published quarterly.

Academics are welcome to share their research stories on the theme: Sustainable Futures, by no later than 26 August 2021 to [email protected]. This theme can be interpreted in the broadest possible sense and submissions from all faculties are essential for representation. We are in the final stages of appointing a supplier who will collate, edit and design the publication and the 2021 edition will be distributed by October 2021.

- Author Department of Institutional Advancement

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