FEATURING - Youth Identity in Contemporary South Africa – Race, Culture and Schooling by Crain Soudien

Posted on August 02, 2021

The Special Collections Book of the Week this week is: 

Youth Identity in Contemporary South Africa – Race, Culture and Schooling by Crain Soudien.

Education has often been a site of struggle: the school a place for gaining advantage or suffering disadvantage. The classroom a place of shaping identity for better or worse. Paying close attention to youth identities of emerging possibility and privilege and enduring disadvantage and subordination, Crain Soudien investigates the lives of young people in South African schools.  This book is critical reading for all involved in schooling or youth interventions. It highlights the dangers, but also gives the hope that under changed conditions, these young people can flourish.

Access: univofpretoria.on.worldcat.org/oclc/212737846 

This book is available at Special Collections, housed on level 5 of the Merensky 2 Library, and is part of our Africana (ZA) Collection.

The Special Collections unit of the Department of Library Services plays a stewardship role in the acquisition and preservation of the Library's rare and valuable information resources, making them accessible to students, staff and researchers, as well as safeguarding them for future generations.

- Author Nikki Haw and Sonto Mabena

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