Transformation Office and CSA&G launch SGBV training model

Posted on July 09, 2021

The University of Pretoria (UP) is committed to providing a non-sexist and non-discriminatory working, living and study environment for staff and students; one in which every person is able to achieve their full potential. UP also acknowledges that sexual harassment is an unacceptable infringement on the core values of integrity, human dignity, privacy, equity and mutual respect, and is a form of unfair discrimination, which can be manifested in physical, verbal and non-verbal forms, and through sexual favouritism and “quid pro quo” harassment.

In the quest to preserve human dignity and to discourage offensive behaviours within the UP environment, staff are encouraged to learn more about sexually offensive behaviours so that they have the knowledge to protect themselves and also avoid becoming perpetrators themselves.

It is for this reason that UP has developed a programme for all staff in order to inform themselves on sexually offensive behaviours, as well as highlight the processes and procedures to be followed for reporting sexual harassment, violence or rape. The programme also suggests ways we can contribute to a safe, respectful and dignified workplace for all, including ways to act when we observe sexual harassment taking place.

Through this awareness campaign and training, the Transformation Office, alongside the Centre for Sexualities, AIDS & Gender (CSA&G), seeks to reach as many members of the UP community as possible and sensitise them about behaviours that might constitute sexual violence.

In light of COVID-19 restrictions and protocols that limit in-person training, the Transformation Office and the CSA&G are pleased to announce the launch of a sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) training model. In addition to the online course, face-to face training will be available to small groups only if regulations permit in-person sessions.

For online attendance, participants need to login into clickUP, then click this link (SGBV Self enrol) to register.

For in-person attendance (if permitted), participants can follow these steps to register:


Step 1: Log onto the staff portal

Step 2: Click on Human Resources Self-services

Step 3: Click Employees WorkCentre

Step 4: Click on Perform/Develop

Step 5: Click on Request developmental approval and the drop-down of the Learning Strategy

Step 6: Click on In-house (free of charge) then select Search by Course Number

Step 7: Type in 190007 and select Gender-Based Violence Training

Contact details

For more information on SGBV, contact Sarah Matseke ([email protected]) or Ntsiki Loteni ([email protected]) at the Transformation Office.


- Author Transformation Office, University of Pretoria

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