Posted on December 11, 2020
11 December 2020
While the University is pleased and thankful that we are on track to complete the 2020 academic year successfully, we are aware of the negative financial impact of the pandemic on some of our students. Unfortunately, owing to the additional expenses that the University has incurred relating to online teaching and learning, including the purchase of online programs and licence, laptops and data bundles for students, the Executive has decided that tuition fees will not be adjusted. It is important to remember that tuition fees cover the costs of the infrastructure that is provided for teaching and research and which requires maintenance. Furthermore, tuition fees are also used to partly fund, among other things, salary costs for academic and professional staff who have worked tirelessly throughout the year to ensure the academic year could be completed and that the University of Pretoria continues to offer quality education. During the lockdown, the University still incurred salary, maintenance and other upkeep costs and therefore cannot reimburse the full amount. However, 70% of the study material levy will be paid back into student accounts as the University did not incur most of the associated expenses.
Where students have been charged for specific items (lab coats, test kits, excursions, etc) which were not provided by the University, the students’ accounts will also be credited (i.e. money paid back to the student). The same applies to meal fees, except in the case of NSFAS students who received their meal allowance while at home.
In terms of accommodation fees, a 30% adjustment in favour of the student will be made for the months where a student was not accommodated in residence. The full charge will be levied for the period that a student was accommodated in residence.
In cases where students have been negatively affected financially by the COVID-19 pandemic and feel constrained by their financial obligations, we suggest that they contact the University by sending an email to [email protected] to make financial arrangements. We will do everything we can to support you.
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