Webinar Invitation: Stop GBV: Turning the tide against the scourge

Posted on December 08, 2020

Please join UP's Transformation Office as they host a webinar around the theme ‘Stop GBV: Turning the tide against the scourge’. This webinar will discuss a series of interventions in response to the fight against gender-based violence.

The discussion will include the following topics:

  • The importance of 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children campaign, including members of the LGBTQI Community
  • How to identify incidents of GBV
  • Raising awareness on what the University is doing to support staff and students who experience GBV
  • Sharing helpful information and support structures available to students and staff
  • Shifting away from toxic masculinities toward embracing positive alternative approaches for expressing masculinities and other sexual and gender identities
  • Strengthening delivery capacity to roll out an evidence-based prevention programme  


DATE: 10 December 2020

TIME: 12:00 - 13:30



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