Information resources and information and research support services are available online.
The following on-site services will commence on 4 September 2020 for approved students and staff carrying a permit for level 2 signed out by Deans and Directors.
Book a visit
- Limited study spaces in each library will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and must be booked online in advance (Click here or visit the HELP block on the library webpage).
- Two time slots are available: 09:00 to 11:00 and 12:00 to 14:00.
- The number of study seats available in libraries depends on the size and capacity of the specific library, and regulations regarding the number of people allowed in a public space.
- For safety reasons, computers are not available and users are requested to bring their own devices.
- Limited spaces are available for postgraduate students in the Research Commons (on all campuses) and must be booked online in advance (Click here or visit the HELP block on the library webpage). ).
- Spaces are available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:00 to 14:00.
- For safety reasons, please bring your own device, or arrange with the Research Commons staff if you would need to use a computer in this facility.
- Access to the Special Collections for researchers with permits to access campus is only possible with a confirmed appointment.
- Please contact them at [email protected]
Book pick-up service
- Students or staff may submit requests for circulating material (indicated on the online catalogue to be IN) by means of the following communication methods:
- Telephone: 066 509 1285 (phone and WhatsApp)
- Email: [email protected]
- Online Chat and Ask a librarian services
- Direct communication with information specialist / other library staff
Students and staff will be requested to put a HOLD on the system for the item (collection location will be his/her home library)
- Lending of GV material will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
- Lending of reference collection material (especially research methodology books) will be allowed, but will be handled on a case-by-case basis
- Library staff on duty will fill the requests and communicate the date and time for collection with the student or staff member.
- Books will be handled within health and safety regulations and while adhering to social distancing protocols.
Book return service
- All books must be returned using the book drop boxes on campus.
- Library staff will check-in the books and hold them in quarantine for 72 hours.
- All loan periods are extended to limit the number of books returned.
- Students who do not have permission to access campuses are requested to keep their books safe until campuses reopen.
In-house digitisation
- All students and staff may still request (online) library material to be digitised (within copyright regulations).
- Students and staff will not be allowed to physically handle study collection material.
- If a student or staff member is in the library and needs sections of GV books, he/she must ask the library staff on duty to digitise the required pages.
- Access to e-resources will be available remotely as always.
- The Makerspace can be contacted via email ([email protected]) OR the online booking system.
- After the consultation, the 3D print or kit is prepared alongside all documentation including a job card. Payment (where applicable) will be done through EFT reference code A0A538/32604, into the UP-bank account.
- Where necessary, Google Hangout sessions will be arranged with the student or staff member to prepare them for access and to make them aware of safety practices.
- Once an item is ready for collection, an appointment time will be arranged and confirmed (depending on their privileges to access the campus).
- If there are additional needs such as printer clean-up with tools in the space, this will need to be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
See our complete list of Library resources and services from 3 August 2020.
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