UP Law staff’s Covid-19 related activities from March to June 2020

Posted on June 30, 2020

The world is in the midst of a major public health emergency in the form of Covid-19, which took it by storm, and almost brought it to a complete standstill for an extended period of time.  Consequently, in South Africa in March 2020, the pandemic resulted in an extended lockdown, including institutions of higher learning and teaching in South Africa. 

However, the staff members of the Faculty of Law (UP Law) at the University of Pretoria (UP) continued with their virtual academic work behind the pandemic veil, loyal to and fully cognisant of the fact that our 2020 students still had to have the opportunity to complete the academic year.  However, as the pandemic had a direct impact on many fields of the law too, a number of UP Law staff members have also been directly involved in Covid-19 related activities, contributing to making the world a better place.  Their respective involvement from March to June 2020 is depicted in the interactive infographic herewith.

A proud Dean Elsabe Schoeman extended her ‘appreciation to all staff members who are working relentlessly behind the scenes to do their bit to curtail the Coronavirus impact. Simultaneously, UP Law honours all people all over the world who are Covid-19 warriors, working on the frontlines and delivering essential services while the world should unite to fight this pandemic and its negative consequences.’

- Author Elzet Hurter


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