FEATURING - Sound Bites by Chris Walton.

Posted on April 06, 2020

The Special Collections Book of the Week this week is:

Sound Bites by Chris Walton.

In Zurich, 1916, war is raging across Europe and artists, revolutionaries, and many people of questionable character have fled to Switzerland. While carnage reigns across the border, aesthetic and political battles are being fought in the coffee houses and Dada cabarets, until a shocking series of murders leaves a trail of bloodless corpses.

“An outrageous, immaculately written and beautifully sustained romp through some of the murkier (or bloodier) waters of black comedy that still manages a measure of profundity amongst the wild, laugh-out-loud humour. Eschewing the dull workings of conscience, Walton delights in perversity and pomp to create this absurdist romp in wartime Europe—a world of operas, egos and people who prey on the fresh genius of others.” ~ The jury of the 2005 EU Literary Award

Catalogue Access: https://UnivofPretoria.on.worldcat.org/oclc/76825663

This book is available at Special Collections, housed on level 5 of the Merensky 2 Library and is part of our Tukkiana (TUK) Collection.

The Special Collections unit of the Department of Library Services plays a stewardship role in the acquisition and preservation of the Library's rare and valuable information resources, making them accessible to students, staff and researchers, as well as safeguarding them for future generations.

- Author Nikki Haw

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