Non-compliance with finance procedure on invoices

Posted on March 20, 2020

Non-compliance with finance procedure on invoices

Dear Colleague,

It has come to our attention that some staff members are issuing invoices to external customers that have not been generated through the PeopleSoft financial system.

This practice presents serious financial and audit risks to the University and goes against the University of Pretoria’s finance policy. Section 3 of Finance Procedure Document Number: A17/03 (Customer Invoices and Debt Collection) states that “Only official invoices generated from the finance system may be issued to customers”.

An invoice request must be initiated by the cost centre manager or delegate (e.g. faculty administrator) wishing to issue an invoice by completing the Express Billing request form online on the financial system and submit the request for approval.

Under no circumstances may Faculties and Professional Services issue externally generated invoices with the UP logo and/or UP banking details to external customers. Offenders may be subject to a disciplinary hearing.

Should you require further clarity on the matter, please contact Deputy Director responsible for Billing and Accounts Receivable, Xabisa Dyosi on (012) 420 6359 or [email protected].



Mr MN Moolla

Director: Finance


- Author Jimmy Masombuka

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