Posted on January 31, 2020
The Executive and the most senior professors of the University of Pretoria (UP) attended a Senate Conference at the Future Africa campus last week to discuss the topic Future World(s): new frontiers of transciplinarity.
This 'academic parliament' was addressed by Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Tawana Kupe, who said being a transdisciplinary university entails – among others – the existence of strong, vibrant, robust and rich intellectual cultures and environments. This also includes a strong culture of seeking international peer review of academic programmes and research, as well as a significant number of international strategic partnerships across faculties.
Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Tawana Kupe, with Professor Stephanie Burton, Vice-Principal: Research and Postgraduate Education.
Professor Norman Duncan, Vice-Principal: Academic questioned whether UP’s “spread of academic disciplines adequately align with the needs of contemporary society and the research aspirations of the University”. And whether there is scope and a need for development of new disciplines.
Presentations were also made by Professor Stephanie Burton, Vice-Principal: Research and Postgraduate Education, Prof Anton Ströh, Vice-Principal: Institutional Planning, as well as the deans of each faculty. A key theme was the expanded inclusion of digital innovation and technology in the curriculum.
Members of the Executive most senior professors at the Future Africa campus.
Following all presentations and discussions, the University will look at how the proposed projects can be taken forward as part of the academic project at UP.
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