Compete on a global level with a free UP staff or student subscription to THE

Posted on November 14, 2019

Times Higher Education (THE) is a premier rankings and university data authority. It has recently introduced a resource supplement that will help keep University of Pretoria (UP) staff  up to date on international higher education trends and insights that we can apply in our work and learn from.

UP has a licence agreement with THE that gives the University access to all this information which will help us to compete and succeed on a global level.

To sign up, simply click on this link and register with your UP email address or follow the prompts shown below.

By signing up and subscribing, you will gain access to news, analysis, summits and events, research developments, careers and exchange programmes, policy trends, relevant newsletters and rankings content from the world’s foremost experts on higher education.

There’s also free access to the Times Higher Education blogs, which have study and career advice and more information for UP students.  



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