Healthy living THE UP WAY

Posted on October 16, 2019

Research suggests that if you eat smart, you could see smart results. This could be especially handy this examination season when staff and students are seemingly fuelled by caffeine and sugar to get through long hours of studying, research and marking. This mix gives one a quick fix, but it is not healthy in the long term or sustainable.

In light of this, the University of Pretoria is rolling out an awareness campaign to help staff and students make smarter food choices that are both nutritious and affordable. Please share the messages on social media to raise awareness and help people make better choices to help their studies.

Which foods are brain foods and how do they help your brain function best? How do you manage to eat some of these foods daily on a tight budget? How do you store the foods safely in residences or at home or the office so that they don’t get spoilt and make you sick?

UP’s Healthy Living campaign helps staff and students make smarter food choices

We’ve narrowed down the list for you to UP’s list of super healthy brain foods which will help you have a bright mind:

Have breakfast and drink enough water. There are water fountains all around campus so you don’t need to buy water, you can fill your own bottle up with water from a fountain. Ideally, breakfast should consist of a portion of yoghurt and a healthy grain like oats and a fruit like a banana to keep you powered throughout the day. If you can’t have all of it, then a banana is the quickest and easiest food item to grab on the go.

Be sure to eat plenty of leafy greens that are high in minerals and vitamins like spinach, which can be cooked quickly and easily or eaten raw as well.

Baked beans and peanut butter are foods that are from the legume family. They’re quick to eat, don’t require special storage and are highly nutritious and keep you full for a long time.

Fatty fish such as pilchards and tuna are good sources of brain foods and can be eaten in a sandwich and don’t require a fridge. Whole grains like brown or wholewheat breads and corn are good sources of carbohydrates.

Healthy living also means an active lifestyle, so try to take short, brisk walks, especially if you’ve been deskbound for a long period of time.

Small changes in a healthy direction all add up over time, so take it one step at a time and try to avoid the urge to indulge in junk food and non-nutritional calories over the exam period.

Let’s embrace a healthy lifestyle and educate others along the way too. That’s THE UP WAY!

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