MEET: Gernia van Niekerk, Community Engagement Manager: Hatfield Campus

Posted on October 11, 2019


  1. Who is Gernia van Niekerk?

I am very much focussed, passionate person and living a purposeful life.

  1. Tell us about your job here at UP?

I am the Community Engagement Manager: Hatfield Campus. 

  1. What do you enjoy most about your job and why?

My work is very diverse and it covers the following:

Strategic issues – policy, risk management, etc.

Managerial issues – human resources, finance, etc.

Operational work – includes relationship building, curriculum development, partnership development and community development, etc

  1. What is your least favourite part about your job?

I really don’t have a least favourite part about my job.

  1. What would be your top suggestion for making UP an even better place to work?

I would suggest relationship building and being socially responsive.

  1. If you were not a Community Engagement Manger, what else would you have liked to be?

The same in the same context, I have done the same work all my adult life…

  1. Tell us about who Gernia is away from work?

I am a lifelong gardener.

  1. What are your goals for the next five years?

I want to keep our good track record and to publish more.

  1.  Is there a favourite piece of advice you have received in life that you would like to share with our colleagues?

Stay true to who you are, find your passion in life and then you will find your purpose.



- Author Xolani Mathibela

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