
Posted on October 10, 2019

 Passing of Professor Deon Meiring

The University of Pretoria is deeply saddened by the passing of Professor Deon Meiring, a well-respected colleague in the Department of Human Resource Management, who passed away on Friday, 4 October 2019.
Prof Meiring was a Professor in the Department of Human Resource Management in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the University of Pretoria.  Apart from his extensive list of publications, his reputation extended beyond the borders of South Africa and his academic presence had a tangible impact on the industry as well as on his colleagues in both the local and international arenas. He taught Psychometrics and Advanced Assessment to third-year and master’s students and enriched the modules using his expertise related to the cross-cultural implications of assessment centre practices in South Africa. Read more

Anonymous emails sent to the Vice-Chancellor and Principal and other members of the executive

The office of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal has received emails from unidentifiable sources containing allegations that the University would like to attend to. These emails make generalised accusations of contraventions of University policies which could be detrimental to the persons against whom they are made. The anonymous and generalised nature of the allegations make it difficult for the University to take action on what may be genuine transgressions of the University policies. Read more

Statement regarding responsible use of social media platforms

In light of the recent events in the country regarding gender-based harm and violence against foreign nationals, we would like to urge users of social media to do so responsibly when highlighting issues that relate to violence and discrimination. The University has zero tolerance for discrimination and gender-based violence, however, users should take cognisance of the fact that any dissemination of undesirable content on any public platform will be attributed to that user. This includes liking, sharing retweeting, posting or reacting to any social media activity that constitutes undesirable conduct. The University may take disciplinary steps should users use social media in a manner that has a direct, indirect or potentially negative impact on the University’s reputation or interests. For more information on the University’s social media policy, please click on the link.

The posting of unsubstantiated allegations on social media platforms in general may constitute defamation and could lead to criminal or civil action being taken against users who make such posts.  While freedom of expression is a Constitutional right, so too is the right to be regarded as innocent until proven guilty. The posting of unsubstantiated allegations can create an unsafe environment for individuals who may later be found to be innocent. Thus, you are encouraged to think carefully about the content of any social media post before releasing it into the public sphere.

Plagiarism Prevention Policy

Please be advised that the Plagiarism Prevention Policy was approved by Senate on 19 September 2019.

Plagiarism poses a considerable problem for academic institutions worldwide as many students and/or researchers do not realise that it is a serious form of academic misconduct that can lead to expulsion from an institution such as a university, civil claims and even criminal charges.

The policy provides a framework for deterring, detecting and dealing with plagiarism consistently across all faculties and departments of the University. Read more

Enter UP's University Social Responsibility Month photographic competition

October 2019 is University Social Responsibility Month. As part of an awareness-raising process, we invite you to take a photograph that illustrates you (or your team) being socially responsible and enter the University Social Responsibility Photo Competition. This can be campus operations, teaching, research or community outreach. Read more

University of Pretoria Corporate Wellness Programme Health Screenings

The UP Corporate Wellness Programme in partnership with internal departments of Physiology-Neuroscience and Exercise Group, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology will be continuing with wellness activities and screenings in 2019 on the UP campuses. This programme, available from February to October 2019, is open to all University employees who want to live a healthy life.  All staff, not only members of the two preferred medical aid schemes, are welcome to participate.
The Wellness Programme will provide UP staff with a range of wellness offerings throughout the year, including Health Risk Assessments (HRA), hearing, voice, balance, vision and lung function screenings offered on the UP campuses. Please ensure that you secure your online booking. Read more



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