Invitation: Public lecture by Professor Mogobe Ramose

Posted on September 10, 2019

Professor Norman Duncan, Vice-Principal: Academic at the University of Pretoria, cordially invites you to a public lecture on Curriculum Transformation presented by Professor Mogobe Ramose, Lecturer and Researcher in African Philosophy at the University of Limpopo, UNISA and the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University.

Title Quizzing the “epistemic decolonial turn” in curriculum transformation: an Ubuntu perspective
Date Wednesday, 2 October 2019
Time 17:00–19:00
Venue Senate Hall, Hatfield Campus, University of Pretoria
Dress Daywear
RSVP click here by 1 October 2019
Enquiries Ms Maliga Govender, 012 420 2444 Persons with disabilities are kindly requested to contact Neo Maseko on 012 420 2631 if assistance is required.

The ethically unjustified violence of colonisation continues in the economic and epistemic spheres in Africa, despite the reluctant concession by the colonizer to political independence. An Ubuntu perspective on this problem argues that the “epistemic decolonial turn” overlooks “decolonisation”, as argued by Africans, and disregards humanisation as the fundamental counter to the de-humanisation project of colonialism.

Mogobe Ramose obtained the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy) from the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), Louvain in Belgium and Master of Science (International Relations) from the University of London. He was Research Fellow at the Centre for Research into the Foundations of Law at the KUL and lectured Philosophy of Law in Tilburg University in the Netherlands. Having lectured in the universities of Zimbabwe, Venda and Addis Ababa, Prof Ramose is currently associated as a Researcher with the universities of Limpopo and South Africa, including Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University.

is many publications include the monograph African philosophy through Ubuntu and articles, namely: In search of a workable and lasting constitutional change in South Africa; In Memoriam Sovereignty and the “new” South Africa; A philosophy without memory cannot abolish slavery – On epistemic justice in South Africa; Towards post-conquest South Africa; and I doubt, therefore, African philosophy exists

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