Posted on July 19, 2019
1. Who is Sipho Skosana?
I was born in Pretoria, Mamelodi East and I attended Jafta Mahlangu High School in Mamelodi West. I had a very good upbringing filled with happiness. I live with my wife and three children. I am a family man.
2. Tell us about your job?
I have been working as a security officer for the University of Pretoria for seven years now, and I enjoy my work around here.
3. What do you enjoy most about your job and why?
Keeping everyone safe around Campus, including giving directions as well.
4. What is your least favourite part about your job?
Our working hours are not friendly and I wish our wages could be adjusted because we have families to feed.
5. What would be your top suggestion for making UP an even better place to work?
We need more security personnel around here. I feel as though we are not enough. That could even create more jobs for other people out there.
6. If you were not a guard, what else would you have liked to be?
I would have loved to become a Charted Accountant because I was good at mathematics in high school. Or a carpenter because I am good with my hands as well.
7. Tell us about who Sipho is away from work?
I enjoy spending time with my family and engaging with community members where I stay. I am a very social person.
8. What are your goals for the next five years?
My wish is to go back to school and finish my matric and study further, maybe here at UP.
9. Is there a favourite piece of advice you have received in life that you would like to share with our colleagues?
Education is the key to success in life.
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