
Posted on June 06, 2019

2019 Performance Cycle

Dear colleagues,

The purpose of this communication is to:

  • remind you that performance agreements for 2019 should already have been concluded, and,
  • emphasize the importance of mid-year performance reviews.

Performance agreements for 2019

Performance contracting provides an opportunity at the beginning of the year to:

  • plan work and set clear goals which are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound);
  • ensure shared commitment to a vision, goals and targets;
  • engage in conversation about what we expect from each other in terms of work output, support, tools, resources, etc; and
  • discuss personal development plans.

Please be reminded to finalise your agreement on PeopleSoft as soon as possible if you have not yet done so. Thank you if you already have.

Mid-year performance reviews

The purpose of the mid-year performance review is to:

  • reflect on and discuss progress made towards the performance agreement and to assess whether participants are on track to meet the performance objectives by year-end;
  • identify and resolve problems or concerns;
  • review progress with regard to a personal development plan (PDP); and
  • encourage open and constructive dialogue and exchange of views on progress and development.

The due date for mid-year reviews is 31 July 2019.

Information and resources related to performance management, including how to capture your performance agreement and mid-year review, can be found on the HR intranet site.!%40%40%3F_afrLoop%3D1434799429425680%26_adf.ctrl-state%3D11m6hnemsv_42

Please do not hesitate to contact your HR Business Partner should you have any queries.

Ms Patience Mushungwa
Director: Human Resources (Acting)


University of Pretoria Corporate Wellness Programme Health Screenings

The UP Corporate Wellness Programme in partnership with internal departments of Physiology- Neuroscience and Exercise Group, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology will be continuing with wellness activities and screenings in 2019 on the UP campuses. This programme, available from February to October 2019, is open to all University employees who want to live a healthy life.  All staff are welcome to participate, whether they are members of the two preferred medical aid schemes or not.

The Wellness Programme will provide UP staff with a range of wellness offerings throughout the year, including Health Risk Assessments (HRA), hearing, voice, balance, vision and lung function screenings offered on the UP campuses. Please ensure that you secure your online booking.

Available dates as published in each monthly communication will be opened on the day that the communication is distributed.

Please encourage and allow employees to make use of these valuable services free of charge.

For more information click here


Hatfield Guardian Routes

The previous Guardian route system whereby students were accompanied by security personnel to their residences and accommodations after studying in the Library or Study Centre, will be replaced by a regular bus service. The service will be offered free of charge to registered students on the presentation of their student cards. The Guardian Route Bus service will operate during the 2019 June exams on a trial basis and is intended to improve safety and efficiency.  The extent to which the service is utilised will determine whether it will be sustained.

A map is set out below with the preliminary routes along which the busses will travel to drop off students.  The busses will depart from the main University entrance at the intersection of Roper and Lynnwood Roads (closest to the Study Centre), according to the time-table below.


Drop-off route:  East → West

Drop-off route:  West → East

31 May to 21 June 2019 (Monday to Friday)






























The eastern route service will cover Brooklyn, Hatfield and Hillcrest.  The bus will only stop at municipal bus stops along the following streets:

  • Roper to Marais
  • Hay to Justice Mahomed
  • Brooklyn to Jan Shoba
  • South to Richard
  • Park to Grosvenor
  • Prospect to Hilda
  • Duxbury to Herold
  • Herold to Lynnwood/Roper

The western route service will cover Arcadia and Sunnyside.  The bus will only stop at municipal bus stops along the following streets:

  • Lynnwood/Jorrisen between University and Jeppe
  • Jeppe and Francis Baard
  • Francis Baard and Hill
  • Hill to Burnett
  • Burnett to University

As mentioned above, the June examination service will serve as a trial period for the Guardian Routes to determine the optimum route. The route will be adjusted as we gather information on where students who use the service live. Please check regularly for changes to the route.  Please fill in the form provided on the bus every time you use the service during the trial period to help us improve this service, and stand a chance to win R1000 cash! 

Brought to you by Hatfield CID in conjunction with the UP SRC 2019.


IRP 5 available on Self-Service for the 2019 tax year

IRP5s are available on UP Self Service for the 2019 tax year.

To ensure that your information is kept private and confidential, you will be required to enter your ID/ Passport number when downloading/viewing your payslip/tax certificate.

Please use your ID/Passport number when prompted for a password.

Should you require assistance with obtaining your IRP5, please contact your Human Resources Business Partner or Senior Human Resources Officer.

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