Posted on February 15, 2019
The Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Pretoria, Prof. Tawana Kupe, officially opened the 2019 academic year last Friday. During his speech he also shared his vision of the academic year with staff. The event also saw the University celebrate its 111th anniversary.
After the formalities and the birthday celebration, staff had some words to say about the new VC and his plans for the institution.
“The speech on its own is a framework of positive issues that we should expect to be done with regards to the set achievements of the institution, and what is quite key is the fact that the VC has a background in higher institutions, in terms of operations and how to reach certain goals. When it comes to the issue of diversity – which is a serious concern at the university in terms of language and race – it is crucial to consider it in daily operations, so that we should be seen as one. Overall, the speech was straightforward,” said Jimmy Masombuka, Communications Specialist in the Faculty of Health at Prinshof Campus
“I liked the fact that he addressed the issue of diversity and change at the University, not that the change is only happening now but it is a constant thing that develops with time. He is full of energy and willing to do things and accomplish them. I sincerely hope that he achieves what he wants to do for the University. I would also like to congratulate the University on turning 111,”said Danie Malan, Information Specialist: Department of Library Services.
“We like the fact that he is a calm gentleman and the highlight of his speech was when he addressed diversity across all UP campuses. So far, there is a lot of interaction among races and there is respect. He cares about the students’ well-being with regards to accommodation, food and academics, he also shows genuine interest in his staff. Happy birthday to UP,” said Vuvu Ngalo and Phuti Matjie, Departmental Administrators: Marketing Management.
“It was very uplifting to hear him speak about change and sustainability. He wants what’s best for the University,” said Elana van Vreden, Executive Assistant: Institutional Planning.
“I think the speech was inspirational, it was just what the staff and University needs to kick-off the new year. What stood out for me was how he put into perspective the contribution each of us makes, be it admin, cleaning or making tea. Happy birthday UP, 111 sounds like a lucky number and the cake is delicious,” said Desiree Tesner-Smith, Senior Executive Assistant: Institutional Planning.
“The VC’s speech was amazing, he pointed out all the important factors pertaining the University and how to go about addressing some issues. I think it is going to be a good year for both staff and students,” said Thapelo Lengwatie, Administration Officer: Faculty of Education.
Below is the video of the UP Academic Opening 2019
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