Donation drive to #GiveWhatYouCan to assist students

Posted on November 01, 2018

The Department of Enrolment and Student Administration (DESA) recently held a competition within their department to collect 120 dignity packs consisting of toiletries, which they donated to the Young Alumni and Students Committee (YASCOM) for distribution to less fortunate UP students. 

The campaign encouraged staff and students to donate non-perishable food, sanitary items, clothes, blankets or even cash to the #GiveWhatYouCan initiative. The appeal is being extended to all UP staff, and indeed anyone who’s able to help. Students are unable to focus on their studies when they’re hungry. With them writing exams soon, there is a huge need for non-perishable food, in particular, as current stocks are being replenished.

Dignity packs donated to YASCOM.

If you or your department would like to make a donation, email Jacqui Pietersen at [email protected] or call 012 420 3702. Cash contributions can be transferred to YASCOM’s account (AOU 598). Groceries can also be delivered to Marilise du Plessis in Room 1–10, Marketing Services Building.

YASCOM thanks staff and students who have already contributed.

YASCOM is administered by the Department of University Relations and aims to foster a philanthropic spirit among the UP community and encourage students to be active UP ambassadors when they are alumni.

- Author Shakira Hoosain

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