First Psychology Seminar Series: Industrial Revolution 4.0: Implications for the discipline and profession of Psychology

Posted on October 24, 2018

Prof Tharina Guse, Head of the Department of Psychology, cordially invites you to the first in a series of seminars addressing the role of Psychology in a rapidly changing world. The topic of this seminar is Industrial Revolution 4.0: Implications for the discipline and profession of Psychology presented by Prof Norman Duncan, Vice-Principal: Academic.

Andrew J. O’Keefe II of Singularity University argues that if “the first three industrial revolutions brought us the steam engine, electricity, and global communication, the fourth revolution merges the digital, physical and biological… a trajectory that will eventually eliminate the barriers between [humans] and machine”. Indeed, quoting Klaus Schwab, the author of the book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, he observes that one of the key features of the fourth industrial revolution is that it does not simply “change what we are doing, but it also changes us”. The presentation, Industrial Revolution 4.0: Implications for the discipline and profession of Psychology, will examine the implications of this characterisation of the so-called fourth industrial revolution (4IR) for Psychology as an academic discipline and profession.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Presentation & Discussion:  09:00 to 10:35
Light Refreshments: 10:35 to 11:00
Merensky Library Auditorium,
Hatfield Campus, University of Pretoria

Friday, 26 October 2018 to [email protected]

- Author Faculty of Humanities

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