Health Sciences fun day for children with disabilities

Posted on June 12, 2018

The Faculty of Health Sciences recently hosted its annual community engagement event, a Fun Day for Children with Disabilities. This event has been running for 23 years and is one of the highlights on the Faculty calendar.

The main objective of the event was to give disabled learners a day where they could have fun and enjoy themselves with other disabled learners. The learners participated in fun activities in different categories, according to their choice and ability. More than 400 disabled learners from the greater Tshwane and Johannesburg area took part in the event this year.

Students from the different undergraduate disciplines within the Faculty participated in this event. The Fun Day has made a real difference in the lives of all those involved: the disabled learners, Health Sciences staff and students.

Students from the Faculty of Health Sciences at the event. 

According to Prof Tiaan de Jager, Dean of Health Sciences, 'this is a life changing event.  Every student and staff member that spent time with these children were not only inspired but were emotionally touched by the courage of these children. It was wonderful to see the interaction of the students with these children with disabilities and for them to have fun together.'


- Author Ronel Leyds

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