JCP celebrated a year of hard work

Posted on February 28, 2018

The Community-based Project Module (Code: JCP) of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology celebrated a year of hard work and success.

Campus-community partners, campus partners and students from 2017 attended a function on Thursday, 15 February 2018, to celebrate their success. The 1575 students who completed the module worked in 467 groups with 231 different campus-community partners. Projects were completed in 5 different countries. Students worked more than 63 000 hours on their projects, while their YouTubes videos received more than 29 000 views.

They managed to collect donations of more than R200 000.00. These projects have impacted at least 11 700 people and 900 animals. There were more than 51 500 virtual interactions with the module via Facebook, the YouTube videos and the module web site on the University of Pretoria’s web. The best groups were Group 41 (Husky and Romi Wolf Sanctuary) and Group 116 (Opkyk Pathways).

- Author Martina Jordaan

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