Posted on January 26, 2018
FABI celebrates 20 years of research excellence.
The Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) at the University of Pretoria (UP) turns 20 in 2018. Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Cheryl de la Rey welcomed the audience of FABI staff, students, alumni and a host of international researchers and academics who accepted the invitation to celebrate FABI’s milestone. Former UP Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Dr Johan van Zyl, explained his role and vision in ensuring that FABI found a home at UP.
Prof Mike Wingfield, founder and former Director of FABI, spoke on the challenges and achievements of FABI over the course of its history and how it had contributed to research excellence, diversity, and its sustainability.
FABI is a unique research institute that is a collaborative space which began with a broad mandate to be a stand-alone post-graduate structure that focussed on forestry and agricultural biotechnology. FABI’s research output touches on facets that affect many aspects of daily life, for example, paper, food security, tree health and tree life (which consequently has a direct impact on the air that we breathe and the environment). Many industries relating to these topics employ thousands of people around South Africa and the world.
FABI’s initial research programme focusses specifically on tree health, and the forestry industry was a major stakeholder in establishing FABI. Interdisciplinary research has been at the core of FABI’s success. The research conducted by FABI has been crucial in finding integrated solutions to pest and disease management to ensure tree health. The Sirex Woodwasp problem affecting pine trees in South Africa is one such example of FABI’s research rescuing an industry and the jobs forestry supports.
FABI is home one of the first six DST-NRF Centres of Excellence for Tree Health Biotechnology. In 2017, FABI’s long term research and achievements saw UP awarded a spot in the top two universities in the world for the study fungi (mycology). “FABI has achieved a very obvious national and international footprint as well as recognition for research and educational excellence,” says Prof Mike Wingfield.
The two-day commemoration of FABI’s anniversary saw 39 speakers from around the world gather to celebrate FABI’s work and science. Research papers presented by students and researchers in the field.
A tree planting ceremony was held as a symbolic gesture of FABI’s contribution to research and the environment. In addition to this, an exhibition of some 80 works of tree and wood artworks was assembled for the occasion. This was an initiative, led by Prof. Wilhelm de Beer in partnership with the University of Pretoria’s Department of Arts. The works are from the permanent collection of the University that depict trees, are made of wood or where wood has been used in the creation of the pieces. Works by FABIans, Dr Alistair McTaggart, Dr Trudy Paap and Nam Pham are also included.
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