Posted on August 21, 2017
On Monday, 14 August 2017 Ms Shruti Lall received the Bronze Medal of the Southern Africa Association for the Advancement of Science (S2A3) at Kya Rosa on the University of Pretoria's Hatfield Campus. The S2A3 Bronze Medal is awarded annually to the most outstanding research student in a scientific subject graduating at the master's level at each South African university (since 1981) and university of technology (since 2001).
The Award was presented by Prof Walter Meyer, a member of S2A3 and representative of the Association at the ceremony. He noted that this prize-giving was made even more auspicious by the fact that Ms Lall's mother, Prof Namrita Lall, had received the same award. Ms Lall completed her master's degree in electronic engineering specialising in wireless network security, supervised by Prof Sunil Maharaj, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology.
In her research, Ms Lall investigated the optimal placement and power allocation of protective jammers in wireless networks, which involved the development of security-comprising protective jammers, optimally placed to afford wireless networks protection against malicious devices seeking to obtain confidential information. Ms Lall, who is also a Fullbright Scholarship recipient, is currently pursuing her PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the USA.
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