Scholarship and funding opportunity for postgraduate studies at UP

Posted on November 18, 2016


The DST-NRF Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Food Security's Food Safety Programme invites prospective students to apply for study at the University of Pretoria in 2017 for three projects:


BSc (Agric) / BSc (Hons) 2017: Safety of fresh products forming part of school feeding programmes

BSc (Agric) / BSc (Hons) 2017: Characterise patogens found on fresh produce from street vendor green grocers, mobile trolleys and retailers

MSc + PhD Bursary: Safety of fresh products forming part of school feeding programmes


Requirements: BSc/BSc (Hons)/ MSc in Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Biotechnology or related fields. 

Criteria: Preference will be given to South African citizens. Applications will be assessed based on academic merit, financial need and experience. For more information about the projects and/or the application process please contact Dr Stacey Duvenage[email protected] or 071 207 4198.


About the CoE's Food Safety Programme:

Food safety relates directly to diseases and deaths if microbiological or chemical contaminated food is present in the food basket, on the plate and is consumed. In the absence of an effective food safety governance model public health will be compromised. This programme focuses on key food safety challenges and the regulatory framework that underpins these systems. This programme is led by Professor Lise Korsten who teaches at the Department of Plant and Soil Science at the University of Pretoria.


- Author DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security

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