Creating an innovative perspective on research leadership at UP

Posted on October 27, 2016


The second round of the Tuks Young Research Leader Programme (TYRLP) was held at the University of Pretoria (UP) on 4 and 5 October 2016, involving 20 new fellows from seven faculties. The inaugural round of this programme was launched in November 2015 and formed a strong foundation for future rounds. The TYRLP is an initiative of UP, in partnership with the Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP), Knowinnovation and the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

The programme was proposed and developed in response to the increasingly complex challenges facing the world, with a focus on Africa. The fellows are all emerging academic leaders and are considered potential 'game changers' at UP. The programme serves early-career researchers in basic and applied science, engineering, social sciences, arts and the humanities, using a highly interactive approach to training, peer support, mentorship and application of skills to leadership projects.

Prof Stella Nkomo and Prof Tinyiko Maluleke joined the workshop as provocateurs and shared their insight regarding the development of a scholarly voice and the habits of good leadership. Mentors who supported fellows through the sessions were present throughout the workshop and included Dr Eshchar Mizrachi, from the Department of Genetics and the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI); Dr Cori Wielenga,  from the Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation; Prof Bernard Slippers, Director of the ASLP and Professor in Genetics at FABI; Dr Eva Alisic, past co-chair of the Global Young Academy (GYA) at the Monash Injury Research Institute, Australia and Switzerland; and Dr Rees Kassen, past co-chair of the GYA at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Following this engagement, the ASLP team will support the fellows for the next year by sharing resources, tools and opportunities complementary to the techniques introduced during the workshop.

The programme will continue to develop a community within the University of like-minded young researchers. These researchers will contribute towards UP becoming a leading research-intensive institution, in line with the UP 2025 vision. A Tuks Young Research Leadership Forum is being developed to further strengthen the community among fellows and other researchers.


Participants of the second round of the Tuks Young Research Leader Programme



- Author Smeetha Singh

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