Posted on July 27, 2016

The Vice-Principal: Academic, Prof Norman Duncan, is pleased to introduce the FLY@UP project. 

You may already have noticed that posters have been put up on the boom gates and on selected lamp-posts on the various campuses. 

FLY stands for the Finish Line is Yours. Our aim with this project is to encourage students to take responsibility for their own finish lines and to graduate on time, ie within the minimum allocated time. We will focus on motivating students to maintain good semester marks, rather than wait until the examination before making a real effort to pass. This implies that they have to manage their time effectively and work consistently to:


As a staff member, you are closely involved with our students and play a vital role in this process. As we enter the second semester, we would like to thank you for your contribution to our students' success.

For more information, please visit our website at and follow us on UP's Facebook page, on Twitter, Instagram and Google+.

We wish you all the best for the second semester.



- Author FLY@UP

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