Invitation to participate in the development of the next 5 year (2017 - 2021) implementation plan

Posted on June 03, 2016

Dear UP students and staff,

As you are aware, 2016 is the final year of our current five-year implementation plan (2012 – 2016).  Accordingly, a new implementation plan is required to guide the implementation of the University's Strategic Plan, UP 2025, for the next five years, 2017 – 2021. The preparation of a new five-year implementation plan is in line with the University's 'nested' planning model whereby the strategic plan (UP 2025), which provides the roadmap and navigational markers for guiding the University to achieving the vision and strategic goals it has set for itself by 2025, is supported by a five-year implementation plan that identifies broad implementation strategies, and one-year implementation plans. The 'nested' planning model allows for flexibility and revision of priorities and strategies in the light of the complex environment in which the University operates.

The University has made significant strides towards achieving its vision in the past five years. We have achieved excellence in many research areas, the number of academics with doctorates has grown, student numbers and graduate output have increased, and our diversity profile has improved. Building on these successes, the new five-year implementation plan will identify strategic priorities for the next five years and the strategies required to accomplish them. The new plan will also address areas of underperformance and reposition the University in alignment with its long-term vision and the changing context in which it operates.

A steering committee and four task teams have been established to guide the development of the new implementation plan. The four task teams cover the following strategic focus areas:

  • Research and Postgraduate Studies
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Transformation
  • Support Pivots and Sustainability.

As a valued staff member and student at the University of Pretoria you are invited to participate in this important process. We are currently setting up a collaboration space on the Staff and Student Intranet, specifically where you are able to review the progress of each task team. You are also able to contribute to this process by way of commentary on the task team documents, which will enable them to consider your recommendations.

The relevant links will be available, under the strategy and planning megamenu link, which will be activated during the course of next week.

I would like to call on all staff members and students to participate in this critically important exercise so that, collectively, we can prepare a new five-year implementation plan that will strengthen and further embed the University's distinct identity and purpose.



Professor Cheryl de la Rey
Vice-Chancellor and Principal


- Author University Management

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