Research seminar: Data citation principles

Posted on May 03, 2016

The Department of Library Services cordially invites you to attend this research seminar on Data citation principles.

Citation serves as a reward for making research available for re-use and yet, through a very limited 2012 South African survey it was established that South African researchers do not yet acknowledge data as a legitimate research artifact. Researchers saw data citation as a courtesy and not as mandatory and they were not aware of existing data citation standards or guidelines. It is now four years later and there is little evidence that a similar survey would provide different results. International pressure is however slowly but surely changing the status quo. This presentation specifically addresses the data citation research conducted by CODATA and shares the eight principles associated with data citation.


Date:    Monday, 9 May 2016

Time:   10:30–11:30

Venue: Auditorium, Level 3, Merensky 2 Library, Hatfield Campus

Presenter: Dr Martie van Deventer from the CSIR


More information on our presenter: Dr van Deventer is currently the Portfolio Manager: Library, Records Management and Institutional Memory Services at the CSIR. She has a library career of more than 30 years – the majority of those in Research Library management positions. Current research focuses are: the management of research data, institutional information dissemination and capacity building. She serves on the CODATA Data Citation Task Team and was also a member of the International Belmont Forum project team concerned with the management of environmental data. She serves on the Board (Treasurer) of World Wide – a body concerned with making reliable scientific material available in open access.

Target audience: Researchers and interested staff members

RSVP electronically (click on the RSVP link) by Friday, 6 May 2016

Enquiries: [email protected] or 012 420 5651


- Author Elsabe Olivier

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