Invitation: Shakespeare / Cervantes Commemoration Event

Posted on April 08, 2016

The Languages cluster in collaboration with the Department of Library Services invites you to our 'Death Day' event on Friday, 22 April.


Date: Friday, 22 April 2016

Time: 09:30 – 11:30

Venue: Merensky 2 Library auditorium, Level 3, Merensky 2 Library, Hatfield Campus

RSVP: Kindly confirm your attendance 



  1. Welcome
  2. Ten things you never knew about Shakespeare – Prof Molly Brown (Department of English)
  3. Honest Will and his notorious, lying fables – Ms Marguerite de Waal (Department of English)
  4. Shakespeare's "undiscovered countries" – Ms Kirsten Dey (Department of English)
  5. The legacy of Cervantes: “the history of a child who is dry, withered, capricious, and filled with inconstant thoughts never imagined by anyone else.” – Prof. Willie Burger (Department of Afrikaans)
  6. Capítulo LVIII. Que trata de cómo menudearon sobre don Quijote aventuras tantas, que no se daban vagar unas a otras. [Chapter LVIII: Which tells how adventures came crowding on Don Quixote in such numbers that they gave one another no breathing-time.] – Ms Monica van Dyk (Department of Modern European Languages)
  7. Shakespeare Bites (Department of Drama)



- Author Elsabe Olivier

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