Communication to students regarding the use of social media

Posted on March 02, 2016

In the light of recent events of a violent and disruptive nature on University campuses, much of which was fuelled by ongoing commentary on facebook, twitter and other social media, the following urgent communication is brought to the attention of all staff and students.

Students and staff should take note that not only “posts” or “tweets”,  BUT ALSO “likes”, ”tagging” and “re-tweets” of posts on social media, which incite violence, harm or constitute “hate speech” are in contravention of the University’s Disciplinary Code: Students and South African legislation and constitute grounds for criminal and civil action.

Please note that if you allow your name to be coupled with any “likes”, “tags” or” re-tweets” of this nature, you are equally liable and that disciplinary action and possible suspension or expulsion from the University, and/or criminal or civil action may follow.

You are personally responsible for the use of your name on any social media platform. If your handle or name is attached to certain content, you are responsible for its publication.


- Author University Management

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