Posted on November 13, 2015
In terms of the Memorandum of Agreement entered into between the University of Pretoria (UP) and student leaders on 26 October 2015, progress has been made as follows:
Academic activities
Lectures have now been concluded and examinations are scheduled to begin on Saturday, 14 November 2015.
Financial Assistance
UP has set up interim financial aid helpdesks to assist students who are eligible for NSFAS funding in 2015. The helpdesks are situated in the Client Service Centre (CSC) on the Hatfield campus, as well as in the CSC offices on the satellite campuses.
A total of 1 842 students who qualified for NSFAS in 2015 but were not awarded the funds, or were not assisted sufficiently during this current year were identified and have been offered assistance, using additional funds that UP has made available. Since the inception of the interim financial help-desk, an additional 140 students applied for assistance. Their requests are currently being processed.
Meals assistance
Resident students who ran out of funds for meals have been able to apply for meals assistance for the period until the end of the 2015 examinations. In the period from 3 to 10 November 2015, a total of 901 students applied for meals assistance, of whom 644 were residence students. The University extended the assistance to 257 day students.
Residence matters
A new model is currently being developed for the provision of food services in the residences, taking into consideration issues raised by students regarding food prices, limited choices and wanting to purchase from outlets outside the University.
Language policy
The Vice-Chancellor has appointed an internal task team and they are now working actively, with Professor Norman Duncan as the Chairperson. A report has been promised by the end of the year. All stakeholders will be consulted on the way forward.
Outsourcing of services
The Vice-Chancellor has consulted with the signatories to the Memorandum of Agreement signed with student leaders, and with the staff unions, and has invited motivations for the appointment of an independent Chairperson for the task team. She has received nominations and responses, and she will make the appointment after consultation.
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