To students and staff of the University

Posted on October 26, 2015

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Pretoria today (26 October 2015) conducted extensive discussions with the representatives of all the student bodies.

A formal agreement was signed with all the parties, in which it was agreed that academic activities would resume on 27 October 2015.

The revised schedule for examinations will be communicated as soon as possible. 

Deans will communicate further information which is specific to their faculties, regarding arrangements for rescheduling of tests, assignment submissions and other academic activities. 

All official information with regard to tests, assignments and examinations will be made available via the UP webpage and ClickUP. 

As we return to normal academic activities, I trust that all students and members of UP staff will focus on the upcoming end-of-year examinations and conclusion of the academic year.


Prof CM de la Rey
Vice Chancellor and Principal


- Author Department of University Relations

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