Change your UP Portal password at least every 60 days

Posted on September 11, 2015

The purpose of this communication is to inform all users of UP systems - both staff and students - that new processes will soon be released by IT Services that will gradually encourage compliance with the UP Password policy that stipulates that user passwords to certain UP systems must be changed at least every 60 days. 
In the near future, every time a user signs onto the UP Portal, the system will check when that user last changed their Portal password.  If the user's last password change was more than 60 days ago, the system will remind the user that a change of password is now overdue.
In the light of the above, it is important that users familiarise themselves with the self-service functionality that is available on the UP Portal to either change, or reset, their Portal passwords.
  • In the event that the user knows their current UP Portal password but now wishes to, or are obliged to, change their password, they can invoke the "Change password" self-service link on the UP Portal sign-on page. (See below for links to guidelines on how this is done
  • However, in the event that the user has forgotten their Portal password, and wish to now have it reset, they can then invoke the "Lost (forgotten) password" self-service link on the UP Portal sign-on page. (See below for links to guidelines on how this is done).
Should the user need to invoke the "Lost (forgotten) password" option, they will be obliged to correctly answer certain "challenge questions" to confirm their identity.  Therefore, this self-service password reset facility will be of no use unless the user had previously set up their personal responses to certain "challenge questions".
  • If the user had already set up their answers to the "challenge questions", then should the user have forgotten their Portal password, they will be able to use the "Lost (forgotten) password" self-service functionality available on the Portal to reset it. 
  • However, if the user had forgotten their Portal password but had not yet set up their answers to the password reset "challenge questions" - then they would not be able to use this "Lost (forgotten) password" self-service facility to reset their password.  In such instances they would need to contact the relevant ITS HelpDesk.  To avoid this occurring, users who have not yet set up their password "challenge question" responses, are urged to complete the process of configuring these responses. (See below for links to guidelines on how this is done).
One of the soon-to-be-released advantages for UP staff of regularly updating your Portal password is that should you access the PeopleSoft HR/HCM, PeopleSoft Finance or PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management systems from within the UP Portal, then you will no longer have to re-enter your logon credentials every time you access these PeopleSoft applications.  The converse however, is that if your Portal password change is already overdue, then you will be obliged, for security reasons, to re-enter your UserID and password credentials for each PeopleSoft application accessed from the UP Portal.
Should you wish to learn more about the process for (1) changing your password; (2) resetting a forgotten password, or (3) setting up your challenge questions for a future password reset, see:
- Author Information Technology Services

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