National Recycling Day 18 September 2015

Posted on September 02, 2015

The Division Campus Services (Waste and Environmental Management) under the Department of Facilities Management is responsible for the removal of general and hazardous waste on the campuses of the University.

The 2025 Strategic Plan of the University of Pretoria focuses on recycling in support of the initiatives related to sustainability. 

Early in 2014, the division Campus Services started with the recycling of general waste at the campuses. From a humble beginning, where only paper waste was removed, the program has since grown to include general waste recycling of restaurants and residence kitchens. In 2015, the recycling service was further expanded to include a waste recycling service to staff; this enabled staff to bring recyclable waste from home for disposal. 

When the recycling program started in June 2014 the total volume of recyclable waste recovered was 23 709kg. Between June and December 2014 a total of 288 734kg was recycled. The volume of recyclable waste removed from the campuses of the University from January 2015 to date is 393 637kg. The recyclable waste being removed off campus has therefore increased.

An investigation of the waste disposal process was launched and found that the most successful method for waste separation was a two way split namely recyclable and non-recyclable. The University subsequently purchased blue and orange 240l bins marked with the University's name. These bins were placed at various residence kitchens and restaurants on campus. Currently, the following residences form part of the recycling program: Onderstepoort Curlitzia and Bopholong, TuksVillage and Tuksdorp. In the near future the ladies residences in the Hatfield area will also receive recycling bins. 

The above does not however imply that general waste disposed of during the course of the day on the campuses is lost for recycling. On the contrary! The general waste from the bins around the UP campuses is collected by a tractor and removed to the waste transfer stations on campus. The Waste Group collects the general waste from the waste transfer stations and removes it to their waste area at Bon Accord. The waste is put through their Materials Recycling Facility where it is sorted and recycled.  

Recyclable waste can be divided into different categories. The University currently focuses on the following:

  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Alimunium
  • Glass
  • Plastic 

18 September 2015 is National Recycling Day on the environmental calendar. During that day, the Division Waste and Environmental Management will host an event in collaboration with the Greenline Society and the Waste Group. The day's program will include an exhibition of different categories of waste, interesting facts, as well as an awareness campaign.

Please come and join us and participate in the fun!


- Author Facilities Management

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