UP supports Earth Hour 2015

Posted on March 24, 2015

Earth Hour will be observed around the world on Saturday, 28 March 2015. The University of Pretoria (UP) encourages its staff and students to turn off all non-essential lights between 20:30 and 21:30 (for one hour) as a symbol of their commitment to ensure the health of our planet.

Earth Hour, organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), is an initiative aimed at encouraging everyone around the world to accept responsibility for their ecological footprint and to engage in dialogue and resource exchange in order to find real solutions to environmental challenges. The participation of UP’s staff and students in Earth Hour symbolises a commitment to change that extends beyond the one hour when lights are switched off.

Non-essential lights and electrical equipment that should be switched off include overhead lights in rooms, outdoor lighting not essential for safety, decorative lights, neon signs for advertising, televisions and desk lamps.

However, a few lights that should not be turned off include safety lights in public spaces, lights for aviation guidance, traffic lights and security lights. Staff and students should check with local officials or community centres before switching off lights in public spaces.

 As far as turning off lights and electrical equipment in our homes is concerned we should be guided by safety considerations. For instance, small night lights, especially in halls and on stairs, can be kept on for basic safety. We should prepare for Earth Hour by having alternative light sources, such as torches or flashlights, handy. In this way we can respect the spirit of Earth Hour and keep ourselves and our family safe at the same time.  

For more information click on www.earthhour.org

- Author DUR

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