Feeding the spirit of excellence

Posted on March 11, 2015

When UP alumnus Ofentse Mahlaba read the inspiring story of Tintswalo Maluleke on the #100InAMillion Facebook page, he was moved to action. He clicked on the link, downloaded the debit order form and took a decisive step towards contributing to a positive future for South Africa.

One of the first alumni to respond to the Tuks Scholarship Fund call to action, Ofentse could relate to Tintswalo’s story because his dad also had a taxi business. ‘I know how unpredictable it can be,’ says Ofentse. ‘When I read that Tintswalo and her sister only got R200 spending money – when her mother could afford it – I knew that there was something I could do to help others like her.’

The #100InAMillion campaign was launched in November 2014, calling on UP alumni to give R100 or more towards the Tuks Scholarship Fund. If just 10 000 alumni committed to giving a monthly donation of R100, the University of Pretoria (UP) could provide additional support to the value of R1 000 000 per month to help students complete their studies.

Ofentse graduated with a BCom degree in Economics in 2014 and currently works as service consultant at a financial services company in Centurion. Although he is excited about embarking on his career, he yearns for his student days. ‘I really miss the culture of excellence on campus, attending lectures with passionate individuals and the carefree environment.’

The standard of excellence at UP has always guided Ofenste’s goals. He worked hard in high school with the objective of being accepted to study at UP. Once at University, he excelled in the environment that breeds excellence in its students.

It is no wonder then that he was able to easily make the switch to working life and the pressures it presents. He was well prepared. ‘There were high expectations and my studies were demanding. This helped me transition easily to the workplace and I am able to conduct myself professionally while delivering [work of a] high quality.’

The competitive advantage that UP graduates have when entering the job market underlies Ofentse’s motivation to support the Tuks Scholarship Fund. ‘We received a good-quality education at UP and we have the power to help other students to receive the same opportunity. We get to make a meaningful contribution to the country, one graduate at a time.

‘Donating to the Tuks Scholarship Fund gives me peace of mind. It makes me feel fulfilled and content knowing that I’m doing something good for another person,’ says Ofentse.

You too can add your R100 towards the R1 000 000 target. If all of us give what we can, the collective power of giving will benefit UP students. Feed the spirit of excellence at Tuks: download the debit order form at http://bit.ly/1w4IUnB, complete the automated form, sign and email to [email protected] .

Be a Tukkie hero – donate today!


Ofentse Mahlaba and Tintswalo Maluleke


- Author Advancement: Fundraising

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