Annual auction and informative talk about Persian Carpets

Posted on February 10, 2015

The Department of Consumer Science, University of Pretoria

in conjunction with


Ravats Persian Carpet Gallery


cordially invites you to our annual auction following an informative talk about Persian Carpets by the renowned Ahmed Ravat in aid of the research funds of the final year students of the Department of Consumer Science



Wednesday 11th March 2015






Old Agriculture Building Room 2-9



This enjoyable evening will treat you to the best in the trade!

 A delectable eastern meal and wine will be served

provided you secure your booking before the closing date, 5 March 2015.

Feel free to invite your friends but booking is essential.



[email protected]

012 420 2974


[email protected]

012 420 3854

- Author Alet Erasmus

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