Don't miss the African Digital Scholarship & Curation Conference
The preliminary programme & registration form are now available on the Web ( Digital scholarship and curation are steadily gaining momentum internationally and on the continent. Are you and your institution a part of this dynamic process? If yes, then join colleagues at this conference to share ideas, network and strategise. If no, then you should attend to become a part of this dynamic process.
Some of the exciting topics presented by African & international speakers are: e-Research & e-Science, Digital preservation, Digital data managemant & curation, Collaboration / Web 2, Repositories, Intellectual property issues, Open scholarship, e-Resources, e-Learning and Distance learning, IT infrastructure for digital scholarship, IT adoption & perceptions, Information literacy, Digital divide.
Several papers are already linked to the programme to give you a better idea of what the conference is about.
Workshops are also available on: Spatial data, Web 2 for your library, Implementation of an institutional repository, Use & pitfalls of federated / global searching, Open access & advancement of science & research, Computer games for information literacy. A free workshop on Bibliotmetrics sponsored by Thomson Reuters is also available - please register for workshop 7 if you want to attend. day of payment: 31 March 2009
Full 2 day conference: R1 500
Single day of conference: R800
Each workshop: R400
Function: R50
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