AU-TWAS National Award for Young Scientists in South Africa, 2012: Life and Earth Sciences and Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation

Posted on June 01, 2012

The AU Assembly of Heads of States and Government declared 2007 the launching year for building constituencies and champions for science, technology and innovation in Africa, and called for increased international scientific cooperation. Further to the recommendation of the African Ministerial Committee on Science and Technology (AMCOST), the AU is collaborating with the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (formerly known as the Third World Academy of Science (TWAS)) on the awarding of prizes to young scientists with a view to promoting science in Africa.
The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), will be coordinating the awarding of the 2012 AU-TWAS prizes for Young Scientists in South Africa.
Candidates for the annual AU-TWAS National Awards should be under the age of 40. Two prizes worth $5 000 each will be awarded to young scientists, one in the field of life and earth sciences and the other in basic sciences, technology and innovation.
In making its choices, the selection committee for this prestigious award will in each case take into account the level of excellence of the scientific research carried out, its perceived potential value to society, and the success of the candidate in developing students and contributing to the public understanding of science and technology.
You are invited to nominate one or more suitable candidates for the above award to reach the Academy of Science of South Africa by 30 June 2012.
There is no official nomination form, but each nomination should include:
  • from the candidate, a full curriculum vitae with a detailed publication list, together with any information which would enable the selection committee to judge the potential value of the research to society and the contribution of the candidate to the development of students and of the public understanding of science and technology;
  • in addition, contact details of three possible referees who may be approached by the Committee, and the CV must include:
    - title
    - name
    - surname
    - nationality
    - institution
    - field of specialisation
    - telephone
    - cellphone
    - fax
    - email address
    - sector being applied for (life and earth sciences or basic sciences, technology and innovation)
  • a letter from the institution, giving a clear motivation for the nomination in the light of the criteria governing the award, and the letter should include a section with the following:
    - title of nominator
    - name
    - surname
    - institution
    - telephone
    - email address
The prizes will be announced on 9 September 2012, African Union Day, and will be formally awarded to the successful candidates at the annual awards ceremony of the Academy of Science of South Africa in October 2012.

Please direct enquiries for the nominations to Tinyiko Muswana by email to: [email protected] no later than 30 June 2012.

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