Posted on November 03, 2009
During the recent MACE (Marketing, Advancement & Communication in Education) conference held in Port Elizabeth, the CSC's entry regarding UP's recruitment strategy was awarded a first place at the award ceremony where products of excellence were recognised. The JuniorTukkie project forms an integral part of UP's recruitment strategy.
What makes this award so much more impressive is the fact that all the top tertiary institutions in South Africa take part every year. The entries are judged by a panel of experts. The large number of entries competing every year is indicative of the special success of this year's entry. Guided by Dr Pieter Clase and the recruitment team of the Department of Student Recruitment and Retention, the entry and the award show that UP can also lead the way in the field of student recruitment in South Africa.
We are looking forward with great anticipation to next year's MACE conference, where the JuniorTukkie Office also intends to enter some of its products, such as the JuniorTukkie magazine, the electronic format of the magazine and also the website.
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