Steyn crowned Momentum Health Teavigo Series Champion

Posted on October 08, 2009

Andrea Steyn was clearly boyed by her 6th place finish at the World Championships and romped home to a comfortable win to bag her 5th out of the 7 races she competed in. Only Carla Germishuys was able to trump the HPC physiotherapist on two occasions, and that due to her superior mountain biking skills as the two races featured a mountain bike leg as opposed to a road bike. Steyn crossed the line in 1:27;31 with Rhode Snyman second in 1:28; 50. An impressive performance by Carlyn Fisher saw the Junior finish 3rd overall (1:31;28).

For Steyn, 2009 has been a remarkable year. Winner of the SA Triathlon Championships in March, then the Africa Triathlon title in July and the SA Duathlon Title, also in July and finally a 6th place finish in North Carolina at the World Duathlon Championships.

With the 7 leg BSG Energade sprint Triathlon Series starting this Sunday (11 October),  Andrea is sure to notch up a few more wins before the year is out.

Ladies Results

1. Andrea Steyn 1:27;31

2. Rhode Snyman 1:28;50

3. Carlyn Fisher 1:31;28


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