UP Historical and Heritage Studies Professor maintains international Chinese position

Posted on September 20, 2013

This international organization was established twenty-one years ago at the University of Berkeley San Francisco as overseas Chinese studies was emerging as a dedicated field of study across the globe. Spearheaded by Prof Wang Gungwu, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong and Prof Wang Lingchi of UC Berkeley, Prof Harris was elected as a founder member.

She is also a member of the editorial board of the organization’s journal, Journal of Overseas Chinese, and in 2006 she organised the first ISSCO conference on African soil at UP. With the increased presence of the Chinese on the African continent this field of study is becoming increasingly relevant. Professor Harris’ continued research of the South African born Chinese community not only adds to our understanding of South African history, but also highlights another dimension of the rich cultural diversity of South African society. As part of Heritage month she will be participating in a symposium entitled “China Week” at Rhodes University. 

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