University of Pretoria and South Korea

Posted on June 26, 2009

A delegation from the University of Pretoria has returned from Seoul where the MOU was signed. They are Professor Robin Crewe – Vice-Principal: Research and Postgraduate Studies and Internationalisation; Professor Carolina Koornhof – Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences; Professor Roelf Sandenbergh – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology; and Dr Saurabh Sinha, Senior Lecturer, Department of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering.

Specific details of the program are still in the planning phase. During their visit to Seoul, the University of Pretoria’s delegation met with their counterparts at the Sogang University to help develop ties and discover possible areas for collaboration.

"Given the developments in globalization students have to expand their horizons significantly, so we were looking at setting up exchange programs with universities in Korea, Japan, and China to give them a different experience,” Prof Crewe told the South Korean media.

He pointed out that the University of Pretoria chose Sogang University because of its international standing and its relationship with industry.

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