Students keep their health in check!

Posted on September 09, 2013

Student Health Services is moving away in focusing more on the curative approach regarding the health of students, but it rather focuses more on preventative measures. “We are moving away from remedial curative approach in attending to students when they are ill, but we are rather ensuring that they are healthy so that they can achieve academically”, said Sister Kholeka Gantsho.

Sister Gantsho appealed to students to attend such health awareness campaigns so that they know the status of their health.

This call was also reiterated by the Secretary-General of the Student Representative Council (SRC), Luyolo Dulaze. “Students should make an effort to know about their health status. This has long-term benefits rather than just enjoying life now in one’s youth”, he said.

Regarding emotional and psychological struggles students are faced with, they are encouraged to call University of Pretoria’s 24-hour, toll-free Crisis Line for student support at 080 000 6428. 

 A health practitioner from Mediclinic Muelmed in a discussion with students.

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