UP Arts hosting Traditional Japanese Theatre DVD Lecture

Posted on February 09, 2010

This lecture, using audio-visual examples, aims to introduce Japanese traditional music and theatrical performances containing music to South African audiences. The lecture gives a broad and fascinating overview of these four art forms and how Japanese society has developed over the last 1300 years.


Michiko Hirama was born in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. She has a master’s degree in Japanese History from Ochanomizu University and in 2004, received her doctorate in Music Science from Tokyo national University of Fine Arts and Music. From 2002 to 2006, she conducted research at the Universitat Girona in Spain. Since 2007, Ms Hirama has been lecturing at the Toho Gakeun School of Music, a prestigious private music college in Japan.


Date: 24th of February

Time: 19:00

Venue: UP Arts Masker Theatre

Entrance: Free

For more Information contact:  Embassy of Japan Tel : 012 452 1500/1607

Website: www.za.emb-japan.go.jp

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