Strong performance at USSA badminton champs

Posted on December 09, 2010

Results Day 1

Mixed Doubles:
Ian Edwards and Candice-Leigh Mann advanced to the final
Wilmarle Labuschagne and Partner advanced to the final

Ladies Doubles:
Candice-Leigh Mann and Wilmarle Labuschagne advanced to the final
Charne de Preez and Partner advanced to the final

Results Day 2:

Ian and Candice-Leigh won the mixed doubles final.

Wilmarle and Candice won the ladies doubles final.

Wilmarle Labuschagne lost in the ladies singles semi finals to the Ladies SA Number 1 player from UKZN.

Ian Edwards and Candice-Leigh Mann progressed to the mens and ladies singles finals respectively.

Ian lost in the singles final.
Candice-Leigh lost the singles final against the Ladies SA Number 1 player from UKZN.

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